New AdSense Publishers are often impatient to start earning money with Google AdSense as soon as possible. Everyone knows that AdSense is a well-established and popular Pay-Per-Click (PPC) scheme that is normally very easy to join and possibly even easier to use. It can also be extremely lucrative if used correctly, and is used by some successful AdSense publishers to earn money in the order of thousands of dollars per month. But to make AdSense work for you, you need to know the rules. Knowing the rules intimately is one of the essential ways of used by the more experience publishers to make a success of the scheme. Not having fundamental knowledge of the rules could get you excluded from the game even before you've started. Must know Google AdSense rules are those rules that are frequently broken due to simple ignorance. They are rules that every AdSense publisher should know, but for some reason are unaware off.

Find a niche market: It's important that there be a captive audience for it. Since you'll be writing about this topic, it's a good idea to pick something you're knowledgeable or passionate about. There are tools available to discover which niche markets are good candidates for monetization. Click here... For example, let say you compete in agility classes with your Border Collies. You've spent a lot of time and effort training them, figuring out the best diet and exercise routines. The dog industry is huge and you can turn your passion and knowledge about dogs into an AdSense business. Build your website: It's best to use a template or website building tool, particularly if you have no website building experience. With a website builder you'll need little technical knowledge. With a template you'll need a little more technical proficiency. A few popular website builder are. A few popular template sites are. Once your basic website layout is in place you can add content including website copy, images and graphics to make your website effective. One thing to keep in mind when writing the copy is to use keywords that users may search on when looking for products and information. When your website is complete, you need to register a domain name with a registrar such as Host Gator or GoDaddy and to find a hosting company such as Name Cheap or GoDaddy so that you can publish your website on the internet. Driving Traffic to Your Site: To start generating AdSense revenue, you need to drive traffic, made up of targeted visitors, to your website. The more targeted traffic you have the more money you can potentially earn. Following are some of the ways in which you can generate traffic with the passage of time.
Make sure your website is SEO (search engine optimized). You can do this by using descriptive page titles, meta tags and meta description. Your website copy should also be informative and relevant to your subject matter and should include keywords. Also avoid using Flash sites and one with flashy Javascript menus. Back Links are an important part of generating traffic. One way to create some is to publish articles into article directories with a link to your site. You can never have too many published articles. Your material must be original, no copying allowed. There are many article directories but a few popular ones are ezines and GoArticles. Use Viral Marketing to your advantage. Join social networks and let your friends and business colleagues know about your website. Use links to your website in your profile to generate more Back Links. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a popular way to generate website traffic. The two most popular PPC search engines are Google and Yahoo. They are also the most costly to advertise on. Before you start a PPC campaign, it's important to do research on which keywords are effective in getting result. It's also important to determine whether your website converts, and turns those visitors into paying customers. Otherwise you'll be throwing your money away. There are other PPC alternatives like Bidvertise and which are cheaper to advertise with, but don't generate the same amount of traffic that Google and Yahoo do. Ads on other related sites are a good way to generate traffic. However, they are usually only effective if the link is directly to a call to action, such as a product page with a Buy Now button.
The Google AdSense program is a great way to earn an additional income for most webmasters and a big income for some who have made it the main source of revenue.